martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

ejercicio del video de ingles

  • Watch the video and write a description of the scene: where they are, who are the people, what they are talking about, etc...
They are in the science class, and the last week they couldn
´tpresent oneself, and in that moment they do for the first time. 
Edward is telling to Bella that he left the town for a couple days, that is the reason of why he couldn´t go to school.

  • What is the first date between Edward and Bella like? Write a short description of it
It´s very weird, the problem is that Edward can´t stay next to Bella because he loves her blood to much, so he has to lie to Bella and telling that, because he doesn´t want that Bella think wrong of him because he knows that he likes her.

  • Describe what Edward and Bella are like, their physical appearance and personality.
Edward: He is quite good-looking. He is tall, he has a pale face and a hipnotyzing eyes. He speaks like he lives in XIX. He is so lonely because he is a vampire. He looks like he isn´t comfort with be a vampire, and i supposed that it is for Bella.
Bella: She is good-looking too. She is a pale face too, and she does many faces everytime she talks. He looks angry, uncomfortable and quite with Edward. He doesn´t like to live in Forks because they doesn´t like the climate.

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

martes, 22 de enero de 2013


Después de formatear un ordenador se reiniciara automaticamente.
Instalar un cortafuegos como ZONE ALARM

Luego tendremos que averiguar los dispositivos que hay instalados en la placa madre.

Al formatear el ordenador se borran todas las cosas del disco duro y abra que instalar drivers para la conexión a internet,comprobar la tarjeta de sonido para poder instalar los altavoces,webscam,etc...

Comprobaremos la conexión a internet e instalar un navegador seguro para instalar dispositivos de seguridad como el antivirus.

Nos encontraremos con que la pantalla del ordenador esta vacía de programas e iremos creando accesos directos de los programas.